by jenna | Nov 10, 2022 | liqueurs
Vermont Sips A collection of all 5 of our liqueurs, ideal for gifting, tasting and making cocktails! Our LiqueursLiqueurs Simply Maple Simply Ginger Vermont Cassis Simply Chocolate Simply...
by jenna | May 13, 2019 | liqueurs, Uncategorized
Simply Honey DescriptionFeatured Cocktail Pure raw unfiltered Vermont honey in a sweet and smooth liqueur. Like savoring a mouthful of honey. Enjoy Simply Honey in cocktails, tea and toddies. Citrus and Honey You will need: 1.5 oz Putney Mountain Simply...
by Robin | Sep 21, 2017 | liqueurs
Vermont Cassis Spectacular, luscious and decadent. DescriptionFeatured Cocktail Vermont Cassis liqueur is a richly flavorful and aromatic spirit that is both tart and sweet. Its unique blend of fresh blackcurrants, blueberries and raspberries creates a...
by Robin | Sep 21, 2017 | liqueurs
Simply Ginger Inhale the Aroma, Savor the Ginger DescriptionFeatured Cocktail Simply Ginger liqueur is a sensationally aromatic spirit that is both spicy and sweet. Flavored with fresh young local ginger, Simply Ginger is the perfect spirit for sipping straight...
by Robin | Sep 21, 2017 | liqueurs
Simply Maple Maple syrup, Apple brandy DescriptionFeatured Cocktail Simply Maple liqueur embodies two signature Vermont ingredients: pure Vermont Maple Syrup and Vermont apple brandy. Beginning with a whiff of apple, the experience blossoms into the full rich...