Vermont Sips

Vermont Sips A collection of all 5 of our liqueurs, ideal for gifting, tasting and making cocktails! Our LiqueursLiqueurs Simply Maple Simply Ginger Vermont Cassis Simply Chocolate Simply...

Simply Honey

Simply Honey   DescriptionFeatured Cocktail Pure raw unfiltered Vermont honey in a sweet and smooth liqueur. Like savoring a mouthful of honey. Enjoy Simply Honey in cocktails, tea and toddies.   Citrus and Honey You will need: 1.5 oz Putney Mountain Simply...

Vermont Cassis

Vermont Cassis Spectacular, luscious and decadent. DescriptionFeatured Cocktail      Vermont Cassis liqueur is a richly flavorful and aromatic spirit that is both tart and sweet. Its unique blend of fresh blackcurrants, blueberries and raspberries creates a...

Simply Ginger

Simply Ginger Inhale the Aroma, Savor the Ginger  DescriptionFeatured Cocktail       Simply Ginger liqueur is a sensationally aromatic spirit that is both spicy and sweet. Flavored with fresh young local ginger, Simply Ginger is the perfect spirit for sipping straight...

Simply Maple

Simply Maple  Maple syrup, Apple brandy DescriptionFeatured Cocktail      Simply Maple liqueur embodies two signature Vermont ingredients:  pure Vermont Maple Syrup and Vermont apple brandy.  Beginning with a whiff of apple, the experience blossoms into the full rich...