The Winery and Tasting Room in Putney, Vermont

The Winery and Tasting Room are open 11:00 am – 5:00 pm, Thursday – Monday.

The Winery is located on Bellows Falls Road in the village of Putney, Vermont. (in the former Basketville store)

At the winery you can taste and learn about our wines from one of our knowledgeable staff. You are welcome to linger over a glass of wine in our comfortable tasting area.

For directions, click here.


8 Bellows Falls Road
Putney, VT 05346
(inside the former Basketville Store)
(802) 387-5925
Open 11:00 am – 5:00 pm seven days a week

From the North Take exit 4 off Interstate 91 at Putney, Vermont; Turn right at US-5 N, Main Street; Continue to follow Main Street through the village; At the north end of the Village Center, you will find Putney Mountain Winery inside the former Basketville Store.

From the South Take exit 4 off Interstate 91 at Putney, Vermont Take a Left at the end of the ramp; Then merge onto Main St/US-5 N; Continue to follow Main Street through the village; At the north end of the Village Center, you will find Putney Mountain Winery inside the former Basketville Store.

Tasting Room in Quechee, Vermont

Our Tasting Room in Quechee is open 11:00 am – 5:00 pm, Friday – Sunday and holiday Mondays.

It is centrally located inside the Quechee Country Store in the Quechee Gorge Village shopping attraction on Route 4. Cabot cheese tastings, Foley Brothers Beer Garden, The Vermont Antiques Mall, and Vermont Spirits Distillery are some of the other attractions.

For directions, click here.

573 Woodstock Road
Quechee, VT 05059
(inside the Cabot Store)
(802) 295-5335

From the East Take Exit #1 off Interstate 89 at Quechee/Woodstock
Follow Rte. 4W towards Woodstock for 2.8 miles
On the right, you will see Quechee Gorge Village, where
Putney Mountain Winery is located inside the Cabot Store

From the West (Woodstock) Take Rte 4 East from Woodstock for approximately 7 miles.
After you cross the bridge over the Quechee Gorge, continue on Rte 4E for .5 mile.
On the left, you will see Quechee Gorge Village, where
Putney Mountain Winery is located inside the Cabot Store

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